When Should You Consider Epidural Steroid Injections?

When Should You Consider Epidural Steroid Injections?

Chronic pain is exhausting. It limits your activities, your mobility, and your quality of life. And when traditional treatment doesn’t make a difference, you might be wondering if surgery is your only option.

We have good news: It’s not. Eric Fanaee, MD, and our team specialize in pain management, and we offer a variety of advanced, nonsurgical treatments to alleviate chronic back pain and nerve pain.

One of our most popular treatments is the epidural steroid injection. Here, we aim to help you find out if it’s a good option for you.

When to consider epidural steroid injections

Dr. Fanaee takes a comprehensive approach to pain care. He does a physical exam, asks questions about your symptoms, and reviews all of the treatments you’ve tried in the past. Then, he creates a pain management plan for you.

Dr. Fanaee might recommend trying epidural steroid injections if:

You have chronic back pain

Nearly everyone suffers back pain at some point, but the pain usually resolves on its own within a few weeks. If your pain lasts longer than that, it’s considered chronic pain — and it could be a sign of a more serious condition.

A few possible causes of chronic back pain are:

Although the causes behind these conditions vary, they can all create irritation, inflammation, and pain in your spine.

You have radiating nerve pain

Unfortunately, spine problems don’t just cause pain in your back. Inflammation and swelling narrows your spinal canal, putting extra pressure on the nerves inside. If nerves get pinched, you might feel pain that radiates to your legs, arms, or head. 

Radiculopathy is the medical term for a pinched nerve. Compression damages the nerve where it exits your spinal canal, causing pain wherever the nerve travels. 

Sciatica is another common type of nerve pain. It happens when your sciatic nerve gets damaged, and it causes radiating pain in your buttocks and legs.

You haven’t found relief with other pain treatments

Dr. Fanaee understands back pain. After his diagnosis, he works with you to find the right combination of treatments to alleviate your pain. Some of the most effective nonsurgical treatments we offer are:

Many people find relief with these methods, but some don’t. When you’ve tried conservative treatment options without relief, it might be time to consider an epidural steroid injection.

Epidural injections treat inflammation at the source by delivering a stronger medication straight to the damaged nerves in your spine.

To learn more about epidural steroid injections:

One study found that as many as 80% of people who got epidural injections for sciatica experienced a 50% improvement in their pain for up to one year. Results vary from person to person.

Are epidural steroid injections right for you? Book a pain management consultation with Dr. Fanaee to find out. Call us at 631-265-2020 or request an appointment online now at one of our convenient Long Island locations.

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